Join the EIRIS Foundation via webinar to discuss Guidelines on Human Rights Due Diligence for businesses operating in conflict areas. This webinar will be focused on collating the thoughts and commentary from corporate human rights professionals for the purpose of submitting recommendations to the UN Working Group on Business and Human.
Webinar details:
Date: 09 April 2020
Pre-webinar preparation: Fireside Chat with International Humanitarian Law experts (**Please note this is a 45 minute pre-recorded video which will be released early next week beginning April 6, and sent to you in advance of the webinar. If you have not had a chance to watch the video, please join the Zoom call at 13:00pm in advance of the live webinar itself**)
Fireside chat video: 13:00pm – 13:45pm (London time)
Live Webinar: 13:45pm – 14:45pm (London time)
Format: Zoom webinar (Download Zoom)
The UN Working Group on Business and Human rights is exploring the issue of business related HR abuses in conflict-affected areas and has published a call for input on this subject. They aim to develop “a better understanding of the practical measures that all actors should take to prevent and address business-related human rights abuse”.
One of the questions they would like input on is “What specific measures should business take in conflict and post-conflict situations and what does “enhanced” human rights due diligence look like in practice? How does/should the process to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for actual and potential impacts in conflict and post-conflict situations differ from “non-conflictual” contexts?” They are also looking for “case studies and good practice examples from past and current conflict situations”.
Download our draft Guidance on International Humanitarian Law policies for corporations.Please download these draft IHL Guidelines to review, consider and comment prior to the webinar event. We would appreciate any feedback you may have from your company’s perspective.
Of special relevance is the 2018 EIRIS Foundation paper on Questions to help companies respect Human Rights in Occupied Territories and its recently developed draft addenda on customers and on how to reflect IHL in companies HR policies which can be the basis of the submission for the Working Group. However, this paper and the addendum should be further developed with input from companies and other experts in the Human Rights/Biz field.
Please note this event is intended for CSR professionals or other relevant company representatives. Register for the Webinar.